Oxidative Stress (GGT)

Oxidative Stress (GGT)

As Measured by GGT

What is Oxidative Stress?

Oxidative stress occurs when your body can't effectively neutralize free radicals, leading to cellular damage. Free radicals are unstable oxygen molecules that can harm cells and contribute to chronic diseases. A diet high in sugar, fat, and alcohol can increase free radical production, making oxidative stress a significant health concern.

Factors Contributing to Oxidative Stress

  • Diet: Insufficient antioxidants and high intake of processed vegetable oils.
  • Environmental Toxins: Exposure to cigarette smoke and pollutants.
  • Lifestyle: Inconsistent sleep patterns and chronic stress.

Key Biomarkers: GGT, AST, ALT, and Average Blood Sugar

Gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) is a crucial enzyme found mainly in the liver and is a significant marker for oxidative stress. Elevated GGT levels often indicate liver damage or bile duct issues. Additionally, monitoring AST and ALT levels helps assess liver function, while tracking Average Blood Sugar can provide insights into your overall metabolic health.

Defining Healthy GGT Levels

A healthy GGT level typically ranges between 9-48 units per liter (U/L) for men and 8-35 U/L for women. Elevated levels can indicate oxidative stress and liver issues, highlighting the importance of regular testing.

Effects of Oxidative Stress

Oxidative stress can increase the risk of various conditions, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and accelerated aging. Monitoring and managing oxidative stress is essential for long-term health.

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What is Oxidative Stress?

Oxidative stress occurs when your body can't effectively neutralize free radicals, leading to cellular damage. Free radicals are unstable oxygen molecules that can harm cells and contribute to chronic diseases. A diet high in sugar, fat, and alcohol can increase free radical production, making oxidative stress a significant health concern.

Factors Contributing to Oxidative Stress

  • Diet: Insufficient antioxidants and high intake of processed vegetable oils.
  • Environmental Toxins: Exposure to cigarette smoke and pollutants.
  • Lifestyle: Inconsistent sleep patterns and chronic stress.

Key Biomarkers: GGT, AST, ALT, and Average Blood Sugar

Gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) is a crucial enzyme found mainly in the liver and is a significant marker for oxidative stress. Elevated GGT levels often indicate liver damage or bile duct issues. Additionally, monitoring AST and ALT levels helps assess liver function, while tracking Average Blood Sugar can provide insights into your overall metabolic health.

Defining Healthy GGT Levels

A healthy GGT level typically ranges between 9-48 units per liter (U/L) for men and 8-35 U/L for women. Elevated levels can indicate oxidative stress and liver issues, highlighting the importance of regular testing.

Effects of Oxidative Stress

Oxidative stress can increase the risk of various conditions, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and accelerated aging. Monitoring and managing oxidative stress is essential for long-term health.

Order Your Liver Health Test Kit Today!


(1) https://www.nature.com/articles/bjc2012128.pdf?origin=ppub
(2) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4028159/


Choose Health offers access to laboratory testing for wellness monitoring, informational and educational use. The tests we offer access to are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. None of our tests are intended to be a substitute for seeking professional medical advice, help, diagnosis, or treatment.