Liver Health

Understanding Elevated Bilirubin Levels: Causes and Consequences

Elevated bilirubin levels, a condition known as hyperbilirubinemia, can be a concerning health issue if left untreated. Bilirubin is a yellow pigment produced during the breakdown of red blood cells, and its levels in the bloodstream are usually tightly regulated by the liver. When these levels rise beyond normal, it can indicate underlying health problems. In this blog post, we will explore what elevated bilirubin levels might mean if left untreated and the potential consequences.

What Is Bilirubin?

Before delving into the consequences of elevated bilirubin levels, it's essential to understand what bilirubin is and its role in the body. Bilirubin is a waste product produced when old or damaged red blood cells are broken down in the liver. The liver then processes bilirubin, converting it into a form that can be excreted from the body through stool. This yellow pigment is what gives urine its characteristic color and is responsible for the yellowing of the skin and eyes when levels become elevated.

Causes of Elevated Bilirubin Levels

Several factors can lead to elevated bilirubin levels, including:

  1. Liver Disease: Conditions such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, and fatty liver disease can impair the liver's ability to process bilirubin, causing levels to rise.
  2. Hemolysis: Accelerated breakdown of red blood cells, as seen in hemolytic anemias, can overwhelm the liver's capacity to handle bilirubin, leading to elevated levels.
  3. Bile Duct Obstruction: Conditions like gallstones or tumors can block the bile ducts, preventing the proper flow of bile and bilirubin, resulting in an increase in bilirubin levels.
  4. Gilbert's Syndrome: This is a genetic condition that affects the enzyme responsible for processing bilirubin. Individuals with Gilbert's syndrome may experience intermittent elevations in bilirubin levels.

Consequences of Untreated Elevated Bilirubin Levels

If left untreated, elevated bilirubin levels can have several adverse consequences:

  1. Jaundice: The most visible consequence of elevated bilirubin levels is jaundice, characterized by yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes. Jaundice can be unsightly and cause psychological distress.
  2. Liver Damage: Persistent high bilirubin levels can lead to liver damage over time, which may progress to cirrhosis, a condition in which healthy liver tissue is replaced by scar tissue.
  3. Brain Damage (Kernicterus): In newborns, untreated hyperbilirubinemia can lead to a condition called kernicterus, where bilirubin accumulates in the brain, potentially causing lifelong neurological impairments, such as hearing loss, intellectual disabilities, and movement disorders.
  4. Complications in Adults: Elevated bilirubin levels can result in complications like cholelithiasis (gallstones), pancreatitis, and increased susceptibility to infections.

Treatment and Management

The management of elevated bilirubin levels depends on the underlying cause. Treatment may include:

  1. Addressing the Underlying Condition: If the elevated bilirubin levels are due to a specific underlying condition like hepatitis or liver disease, treatment will focus on managing that condition.
  2. Phototherapy: In newborns with jaundice, phototherapy is a common treatment method. Special lights help convert bilirubin into a form that can be easily excreted by the body.
  3. Medications: Some cases of hyperbilirubinemia may require medications to reduce bilirubin production or enhance its elimination.
  4. Surgical Interventions: In cases where bile duct obstructions or gallstones are the culprits, surgical procedures may be necessary to remove the blockages.


Elevated bilirubin levels should not be taken lightly, as they can have serious consequences if left untreated. Regular medical check-ups and monitoring of bilirubin levels are essential, especially if you have risk factors or symptoms of hyperbilirubinemia. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment can help prevent complications and ensure better overall health. If you or your child experiences symptoms like jaundice or unexplained fatigue, consult a healthcare professional promptly to address the underlying cause and prevent further complications.

Author Info
Written by Dr. Alan Farrell on Sep 05, 2023.

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