
6 Key Markers of Health to Live a Longer, Healthier Life

"If you could only track 6 markers of health, what would those be?"

We asked our team of medical experts, and this is what they said:

Cholesterol is a type of fat that exists in your body. It is a vital building block for many of your hormones and plays a key role in your body’s immune system. You’ve likely heard that there is good and bad cholesterol and that high cholesterol is a major cause of cardiovascular disease including heart attacks and strokes. While this is true, it’s not the whole truth.  

The truth is that cholesterol is not the cause of the problem, it is the system that carries it that becomes problematic. This system can become dysfunctional through poor diet and lifestyle choices such as over-consumption of processed foods , trans fats, and even excess sugar. These lifestyle choices can lead to the development of cardiovascular disease.

Do You Know Your Cholesterol Levels?  
Every kit includes a Total Cholesterol : HDL Ratio test, which measures your Cholesterol levels.

#2: Oxidative Stress

We all know that Oxygen is essential to life. Most of our cells need oxygen to burn energy in a process called oxidation. However, toxins that are left in the system after these oxidation reactions can actually be toxic to your cells.  These leftovers are known as reactive oxygen species and our bodies have a sophisticated system of antioxidants to deal with them. Oxidative stress occurs when this system is overwhelmed.

Oxidative stress is a crucial factor in the development of many chronic diseases. Poor nutrition, such as eating processed food, smoking, exposure to environmental toxins, over consumption of alcohol, poor sleep, and chronic stress can all lead to higher levels of oxidative stress.

Do You Know Your Oxidative Stress Levels?
Every kit includes a GGT test, which measures your Oxidative Stress levels.

#3: Insulin Resistance

Insulin is a hormone secreted by your pancreas that we refer to as the master regulator of your metabolism. Long-term, excessive intake of processed foods including refined carbohydrates, excess sugar, processed vegetable oils, and inactivity can lead to chronically high levels of insulin production. Like a drug we can become resistant to the effects of insulin over time. This phenomenon is known as insulin resistance and it is often referred to as pre-diabetes.

Many of the chronic diseases we see today are linked to insulin resistance, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, neurodegenerative conditions and some cancers. Most American adults now have excessive insulin levels and insulin resistance, the precursor to Type 2 Diabetes. More importantly, 88% of pre diabetics don’t know that they have any risk factors!

Do You Know Your Insulin Resistance Levels?
Every kit includes a Triglycerides : HDL Ratio test, which measures your Insulin Resistance levels.

#4: Inflammation

Inflammation is an important part of our immune system and helps us fight infections and repair damage. However, chronic inflammation, which means elevated levels of inflammation over long periods of time, can cause major internal damage and scarring, rather than the repair and healing it was designed to do. 

Long term inflammation is a feature of many chronic diseases, and its role in conditions like cardiovascular disease, obesity and cancer is becoming clearer. Processed foods that include refined carbs and added sugars, trans fats, processed meats, and excessive alcohol intake, can all cause inflammation.

Do You Know Your Inflammation Levels?
Every kit includes an hsCRP test, which measures your Inflammation levels.

#5: Visceral Fat

Visceral fat is a measure of the amount of fat in and around your internal organs. Unlike fat that exists under your skin and plays an important role in energy storage, visceral fat arises when the fat under your skin is moved to abdominal areas around your liver, pancreas, and kidneys, and impairs their function. 
Visceral fat can result from high intake of processed carbohydrates, excess sugar, poor quality vegetable oils, and an inactive lifestyle. Prolonged excessive levels can drive many of the common chronic diseases that exist today like diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. 

Do You Know Your Visceral Fat Levels?
Every kit includes a body composition test, which measures your Visceral Fat levels.

#6: Average Blood Sugar

Glucose is one of our body’s primary fuel sources. We get glucose from the carbohydrates in our diet but your body can also produce it in your liver. Even on a low carbohydrate diet, your body can produce plenty of glucose. Rising levels of glucose over several years will ultimately lead to type 2 diabetes, and it presents a significant risk for cardiovascular disease.

Blood glucose levels in your body are controlled by the hormone Insulin. Your body needs to keep glucose levels in a very tight range in order to function optimally. Chronic sustained high blood glucose levels as a result of excessive dietary intake of refined carbohydrates and added sugar, in combination with high insulin levels, can damage many of the body’s biological processes. 

Do You Know Your Average Blood Sugar Levels?
Every kit includes an Hba1c test, which measures your Average Blood Sugar levels.
Author Info
Written by Michael Aaron on Sep 21, 2020. Fact Checked by .

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